Promotion Working Group

The Promotion WG is responsible for supporting the external, and some internal, communications of the ILA.
The main activities of the promotion WG are

  • Communicating the objectives of the ILA,
  • Promoting the benefits of ILA industry collaboration,
  • Communicating the outputs from the other working groups,
  • Helping establish an indoor location based services ecosystem via joint marketing efforts such as press releases, trade show and conference attendance,
  • Promoting dialog across the ILA via internal plenaries and seminars.


  • ILA website content,
  • Publishing press releases,
  • Responding to media requests,
  • Organizing and participating in conferences and industry events

Co-ordination with other ILA working groups

  • The promotion working group works with all other working group to prepare their output for external publication
  • The promotion working group liaises with all other working groups to agree a roadmap of content for the web-site