Becoming a Member of InLocation Alliance

There are three levels of ILA Membership:

Charter Members can be elected to the Board of Directors and can vote in Working Groups.

Contributor Members can vote for Board of Directors and in Working Groups.

Associate Members can participate in Working Group s and other ILA events.

Upon reviewing the Membership Agreement and the Bylaws_In-Location Alliance the next steps to becoming a member are:

1) Decide what level of membership you wish to join.
2) Complete the ILA membership agreement and sign.
3) Send the signed membership agreement to
4) The ILA Board will review your application for approval.
4) Once the application is approved by the Board, ILA will countersign the agreement and send you a copy for your records.
5) ILA c/o IEEE-ISTO will send you an invoice for your membership dues based on the membership level you marked on the membership agreement.
6) Once payment is received, we will send you a welcome letter that includes information on how to join ILA Working Groups and how to access the members area.

Please contact if you have any questions.