ILA is hosting an Indoor Positioning Summit

Filed in Conferences, Events, News and Events by on April 13, 2016

InLocation Alliance will be hosting an Indoor Positioning Summit on 30 May 2016 in Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland with the Open Geospatial Consortium and the European Commission i-Locate Project.


◦learn about community driven work on indoor navigation, like IndoorGML

◦hear the results of the joint use case survey on indoor positioning

◦listen to findings from the i-locate pilot project

◦provide reviews of your own technical solutions (summarized in the proceedings)

◦… follow the red thread – or just find us directly in Finlandia Hall-Meeting Room 24


◦30 May 2016 from 13:30 – 17:30


◦This summit is jointly organised by the InLocation Alliance (ILA), the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and i-locate, the EU funded project on indoor positioning

What else to know?

◦Registration is free for this Summit.
When you register please indicate if your organization would like to provide an indoor positioning technology review.

Link for Registration:
