Come see ILA at the ION GNSS+ 2015 Conference

Filed in Events, News and Events by on June 24, 2015

ILA will be exhibiting at the ION GNSS+ Conference in Tampa, Florida September 16 & 17.  The ILA exhibit booth will be #113.  Also exhibiting in the ILA Booth are ILA Members, Combain, Intel, Nokia, and TRX Systems.

Members of ILA who will be participating on the conference panel –  Indoor Location and Standards Policy Update are:  NextNav, Polaris Wireless, Intel, Nokia and Qualcomm.

Members of ILA who will be participating on the conference panel – Indoor Location and Demonstrations are:  Nokia, Intel, Rx Networks,, Combain and Microsoft.

Other ILA Members exhibiting at ION GNSS+ are Rx Networks and Spirent Communications.

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